Services We Offer

Interpret Medical Records, Screen Cases for Merit

Legal Nurse Consulting

  • Assist with obtaining medical records
  • Identify, interpret and review medical records for merit
  • Identify missing records
  • Screen medical records for tampering
  • Review hospital policies and procedures
  • Define adherence to and deviations from the applicable Standards of Care
  • Consult with health care providers
  • Develop brief or comprehensive written reports
  • Conduct medical and nursing literature searches
  • Analyze and compare expert witness reports
  • Attend depositions, trials, review panels, arbitrations, and mediation hearings
  • Interview plaintiff and defense clients, witnesses and experts
  • Identify factors that caused or contributed to the alleged damages/injuries
  • Identify and locate expert witnesses
  • Assist in exhibit preparations
  • Prepare interrogatories
  • Prepare a chronology of events or timeline for the case
Interpret Medical Records, Screen Cases for Merit

Defense Medical Exams (DME/CME/IME)

Attorneys rely heavily on DMEs (Defense Medical Exams, also called CME/IME) to dispute the severity of a claim. For plaintiffs, the DME is often frightening and intimidating. No matter which side you represent, hiring a nurse for a DME observation is an excellent decision for assuring that the integrity of the exam is maintained.

JF Legal Nurse Consultants, located in South Florida, will:

  • Provide a specially trained Registered Nurse
  • Confirm your client’s attendance
  • Provide support and guidance to your client throughout the exam
  • Submit to you a highly detailed report

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826 SW Haas Ave
Port St. Lucie, FL 34953

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